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Sterling silver duck leg bracelet 0000c00011

Price 13667.0
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Children's choice of silver jewelry makes them a top choice of multiple parents. Not only aesthetic value but also very good for children because of the high antibacterial content. Special, children's jewelry display includes an extremely cute animal anklet pattern, crafted with high quality material. It will be a surprise gift given by children.

Children's choice of silver jewelry makes them a top choice of multiple parents. Not only aesthetic value but also very good for children because of the high antibacterial content. Special, children's jewelry display includes an extremely cute animal anklet pattern, crafted with high quality material. It will be a surprise gift given by children.

Thanks to the made with high-grade imported sterling silver, the baby anklet does not only own a attractive design, but also has great quality. Mom can rest assured while wearing them and not worry about other damages. Besides studies, silver is anti-bacteria, it can be said, it will be perfect jewelry for small children.

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